2008 1.4 Ventilation System - Paddington
I have a 2008 Jazz which has a very poor ventilation system in my view. In Summer, when it was warm, the A/C was not particularly cold (I also have a 2000 Toyota Corolla which still works well and is ice-cold). The system was checked with the Dealer, but was found to be 'within specifications'. When the weather gets down to below/just above zero, the rear passenger windows steam up. There is no setting that demists them - including A/C on, or off. With two people in the car it is worse. Honda Customer Service say there is nothing wrong with the car as it is 'to specification'. I've driven a Fit in the US (Jazz in the UK) which has the 1.5 engine (which HJ has always said should have been fitted from the word go), and this car did not have the problem.
Anyone else experienced this problem? I'm afraid that I might have to bite the bullet and replace it with another Toyota.

Edited by Webmaster on 10/04/2009 at 11:53

2008 1.4 Ventilation System - Bill Payer
All Jazzii do this, and it is a bit of a problem at very low temps as car a/c systems typically don't work below about 3C (this is deliberate, to prevent the condenser from freezing). I can only guess that in other countries, the ambient air tends to be dryer at low temps than is typical in the UK.

Few things could be wrong - unlikely on a 2008 car, but check there isn't water is the spare wheel well. Also make sure you keep the air extract vents (on the lower inside edge of the hatch door) clear - obviously if you load the boot and block those then the car will mist up. Of course, make sure the air flow isn't set to re-circulate.

Lastly, I try to avoid using the a/c at all in cooler weather - like many cars, once the a/c has been used, the car will tend to mist up again the next time the car is used as all the dampness left in the system is blown into the car. With our Jazz, I do tend to find that even as I'm driving along, turning the a/c off will immediately mist up the car, especially if it's wet outside. But then my Merc does exactly the same.

Edited by Bill Payer on 10/04/2009 at 12:28

2008 1.4 Ventilation System - doctorchris
I agree that the Jazz steams up its windows easily even if a/c is used.
I feel that the problem is a very large passenger space in a small car where the space taken up by a ventilation system is limited and the power sapped by a/c needs to be reduced.
I did improve matters in our Jazz by repacing the cabin filter but that was after 5 years of having the car so it would not apply to you.
Don't give up on the car, however, give your rear passengers a chammy to clear the windows.