Phishing warning from online car parts site, - bell boy
i used an online car parts internet link the other day to locate a hard to find part and used a specific email address,fortunately not my main business one and since i used it ive had emails telling me my bank details have gone missing and i need to click the email link to update them
ive advised the monks that run the bank but not a lot more i can do as im not in the habit

Edited by Pugugly on 26/03/2009 at 23:48

Phishing warning from online car parts site, - Rattle
The website has just passed your email onto the usual spammers scammers. The website in question even if it is genuine obviously has some major issues with morals.

I would not be too worried about it if all they have is your email address (hopefully its just a random Hotmail sort of one too).
Phishing warning from online car parts site, - bell boy
im not worried
but the link sure looked good
i reckon it would fool a lot of people if they did indeed use that bank
Phishing warning from online car parts site, - Rattle
I don't know a single person who has been fooled by these sort of scams, but a lot of my customers get fooled by those fake anti virus programs as they are getting more realistic.

It is unusual though a cars spares place being one of those dodgy sites.
Phishing warning from online car parts site, - jbif
ive advised the monks that run the bank but not a lot more i can do as im not in the habit >>

As they are now Spanish owned, the monks have given up the habit and now wear shorts. If they had gone to Iceland, like the Mum, they would be frozen just like the money in the Icelandic Banks.

Welcome back, bell boy, with or without your shorts.

Phishing warning from online car parts site, - 1400ted
Give the poor sods something to do, after all, they're working hard to get your money.
Send some nice false details, I know two short words that make an excellent password in these cases.
Phishing warning from online car parts site, - L'escargot
I'm confident that my security arrangements prevent phishing.