Making a comment to the Police on their policing - b308
Just thought I'd stick this in here as HJ's locked the HH ANPR thread so I couldn't add to what I'd said on that thread!

Firstly, sorry to HJ, I made the (incorrect) assumption that you'd know about being able to contact your local Force using the 'net!

So for everyone's benefit its worth knowing that if you have a comment to make about something you've seen and feel could have been handled better its worth noting that you can contact them direct via their website...

I assume there are other channels that can be used and perhaps its worth using this thread for our serving officers to tell us of other ways... though motoring related complaints of course!
Making a comment to the Police on their policing - borasport20
I wouldn't rely on it though.

I've used their website to contact Cheshire Police and got an acknowledgment - 360 days after I sent the message.

Similarly I've twice tried to contact GMP through their web site and had neither acknowledgment or response

Making a comment to the Police on their policing - ifithelps
A copper sat behind his desk may well lift the phone - it could be his girlfriend, or better still, somebody else's.

Ring the main number and ask for the inspector's extension in 'traffic' or 'motor patrols' or 'road policing'.

Making a comment to the Police on their policing - dacouch
Thanks B308.

People if you have an issue you need to complain about then you should make a complaint to the police. If no one brings it to their attention then it will never be corrected. You should also complain if you receive bad service in a restaurant or shop to the relevant complaints department.

As a nation we have always been to reserved to complain, as a result we have had to endure poor service in everything we come into contact with. The UK public are starting to become less resserved and are making more complaints. This is a good thing so don't be shy make a complaint (Keep it polite and stick to the facts).

It is only through us raising our concerns that anything will be done, often the police and companies will welcome your complaints as they do not realise there is an issue.

So stop being so British and use your voice
Making a comment to the Police on their policing - Mr X
I am more than happy to complain and do so when it is necessary. However, complaining to the Police is like taking a leak in a high wind.
Making a comment to the Police on their policing - smokie
Thanks for the info all. Can't see this heading into motoring so I've locked it.