I own my car - Statistical outlier
I just thought I would mention: I own my car!

After 37 months and 83k miles, I've actually finished paying for my car. In celebration, and so I don't get complacent, the auto bit of the drivers window has stopped working; fortunately, as I extended the warranty, this last bit of mischief on its part has fallen flat. :-)

Not that I'd anthropomorphosise a car obviously.
I own my car - Brian Tryzers
Tut tut, Gordon. That's really not playing the game, old boy. You're supposed to look at your car and think, "I can't be doing with this tatty old thing any more. I must get me down to Mr Honda's shiny shop, use what's left as a deposit on a new one and begin the whole sorry cycle all over again."

Ahem, sorry. What I meant to say was, "Congratulations!"
