How reliable is the Kalos? - catalyst2
How reliable is the 1.2 or 1.4 Kalos?
How reliable is the Kalos? - stunorthants26
Its very good overall, just not exciting as a car. I owned a Daewoo for 55k and it had one electrical component fail at 44k, but aside from that, it was very easy car to trust.
How reliable is the Kalos? - catalyst2
Thanks, so are they the same as Daewoo?
How reliable is the Kalos? - Dynamic Dave
From the Car-By-Car Breakdown reviews

"Daewoo Kalos rebadged as Chevrolet from 1st February 2005."
How reliable is the Kalos? - Civic8
>>so are they the same as Daewoo

Same car different name,i have had one since September and not had a problem so far, my one is 3 years old and called Daewoo