German cities Low Emission Zone - gmac
This may be of use to some of you if you visit Germany.

As of 1st Jan. 2008 you will need a windscreen sticker to drive in Cologne city centre, Cologne is the launch city (as far as I am aware). ALL vehicles (motorbikes excluded), including foreign vehicles, must have a sticker to drive in the centre.

The plan is to roll out to other cities.

There are four bands, older cars are excluded from day one. Cars in band 2 will be excluded from 1st Jan. 2010 when a review of the NOx levels will be done and if necessary future plans will be made to exlude the next band of vehicles.

You can get your sticker by writing to the address at the bottom of this link
including payment of 5? for the sticker.
German cities Low Emission Zone - jc2
Back in the eighties cars without "emission" stickers were excluded from city centres in Germany on "SMOG" days when the air pollution reached a certain level.Cologne is situated in a river valley between two ranges of hills that trap the pollution.
German cities Low Emission Zone - GenevaJohn
Local politicians in Geneva are making some 'preliminary noises' about bringing in a toll system for the city. Will probably Europe-wide in time. It's making me think about my choice of next car - I reckon most people will end up driving little cars (presumably cheaper.........??????)