all the lads out there for supporting ROADPEACE! - mountainbike
I wish to thank all you lads in the Industry, and Hauliage industry for your support for ROADPEACE. and any that supported sunday's 28-04-02 Radio4 appeal too. I am lucky to be alive, no thanks to a confessed drink driver!
I consider myself uquine, and the consultants have told me that if a cyclist surives, usually head and spine injuries ocurr! I escaped that, but now have a spinal injury due to other R.T.A. injuiries. ROADPEACE have help me even at a late stage and a shoulder to cry on for all the injustice of the whole affair!
Re: all the lads out there for supporting ROADPEAC - David J
It appears you are, indeed, uquine.

David J
Re: all the lads out there for supporting ROADPEAC - Jud
So what does that make you then?
Re: all the lads out there for supporting ROADPEAC - Brian
This has been said before, but:

"Dyslexics of the World, untie"

Or the charitable view:- "Do not mock the afflicted"
Re: all the lads out there for supporting ROADPEAC - The

Heard an ad for Roadpeace on Radio 4 (the non ad radio station!) today.

Apparently they publish a lot of road safety stuff.

Could you send me some of the packs for helping to train pedestrians, especially children, to be aware of vehicle stopping distances, pedestrians' responsibilities on the road, Green X Code, and the fact that to stay safe they need to keep away from traffic?