Car Driver to Mopeds - xlt-hunter

Dear Backroomers, I wonder someone can help me (DVLA guide has confused me) I am considering getting a moped for the 17mile trips to work and back to cut down on costs etc for fuel and insurance (yay)

As I understand, as I've passed my test back in Dec2000, I am not required to do a CBT, right?

What I am lost at, is what limits can I use? - or is it just the basic 50cc bike? with or without leaner plates?


Car Driver to Mopeds - Pugugly {P}
Unless you're riding in a 30 mph speed limit for the whole 17 miles I wouldn'r even dream of doing it. I rode a 125cc along A roads a couple of years ago, seriously dangerous.
Car Driver to Mopeds - bikemade3
Unless you're riding in a 30 mph speed limit for the
whole 17 miles I wouldn'r even dream of doing it. I
rode a 125cc along A roads a couple of years ago,
seriously dangerous.

Totally agree if yuou want to do it on 2 wheels ditch the moped and do your bike test ( Direct Access?). Personally i would not even conside doing 5 miles on a moped.
Car Driver to Mopeds - Pugugly {P}
Check the codes on your licence - in a flash of sanity HMG stopped car drivers being able to ride a moped on full licence a few years ago.
Car Driver to Mopeds - Dwight Van Driver
Moped ('P' Licence classification) is defined as:

A moped is a motorcycle which:

cannot go faster than 50km/h
must not have an engine over 50cc
can be moved by pedals, if the moped was used before 1 August 1977.

From 1 January 1997 all learner moped and motorcycle riders irrespective of when a licence was issued must have completed a Compulsory Basic Training [CBT] course before riding a moped or motorcycle on the road.

BUT the holder of substantive Class B Licence (motor cars) only includes Cat P (moped) entitlement without test if

(a) a B test was passed before 1.2.2001,

If this is the case L plates not required.

If you have had no experience on two wheels then nevertheless consider completing the CBT course in the interests of your own safety.

Car Driver to Mopeds - Pugugly {P}
Kepp clear - trust me. 17 miles at 30mph is going to mean maintaining a flat out speed to get to wortk in half an hour. Suicidal.
Car Driver to Mopeds - Harmattan
When my usual Saturday morning transport broke down this morning, I took a couple of motorbike taxis to get the 10 miles to work here in Cotonou. The 50 cc Yamaha Maté on the tarmac stretch was being overtaken by everything other than other Yamaha 50s but the 125cc Jincheng motorbike I switched to on the dirt stretch romped along thanks to bigger and better suspension and extra power. One of my most brown-trouser moments on a 50cc taxi here involved crossing a fast moving stream of dual carriageway traffic. Go for the test and a more substantial machine (think scooter for cold days) or 17 miles will soon become drudgery.
Car Driver to Mopeds - Stuartli
I occasionally use to borrow my daughter's 50cc scooter to go to work some 18 miles away (many years ago now!)

It was a nightmare in Preston's traffic as you were basically considered by many car drivers as having no right to be on the road with them.

In the end, I took to driving in the centre of my lane rather than being on the left to prevent anyone knocking me off in their hurry to make progress.

Occasionally a following car driver would start honking away (even though my progress matched the traffic flow), so I would sometimes stop and let cars in from the right hand lane.

This, of course, meant the car driver behind was held up even more..:-)
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What\'s for you won\'t pass you by
Car Driver to Mopeds - mare
i thought of doing similar last year:

i changed the times that i went into work instead.....