Child of Our Time - driving test - daveyjp
If anyone else didn't see this is was an excellent example of how it is impossible to drive safely and undertake a detailed thought process at the same time i.e. when trying to drive and use a mobile.

A police driving instructor was shown driving through a slalom of cones - carried out perfectly.

He was then asked to carry out the task again, but in addition undertake a simple arithmetic test - start at 1,000 and subtract 30 (970, 940 etc). After three cones he was well off course.

When we drive we use our eyes to focus on a point - they used an iris tracker to show where the police driver was looking at, he focussed constantly the next cone.

When we have to think of an answer to a question we avert our eyes and that's when the problem started.

The next time you are talking to someone and you ask them a question they have to think about watch where their eyes go - they won't be staring at you!

A perfect example of why trying to carry out complex thoughts and driving don't mix.
Child of Our Time - driving test - BazzaBear {P}
Quite often when I'm driving and having a conversation with SWMBO I'll completely lose track of the conversation, or not answer a question she asks. This winds her up no end. We watched that last night, so now she hopefully knows the reason why.
When in the situation portrayed, I'll always let my attention wander from the other task, not my driving.
Child of Our Time - driving test - Lud
Absolutely BB. Of course an apology when the roundabout or whatever has been successfully negotiated can help, along the lines of: 'Sorry, had to concentrate a bit there, could you say it again darling?' etc! If that doesn't work, try pointing out what might happen if you responded to the situation the other way round, shelving Hyde Park Corner in rush hour to concentrate on matters of more immediate importance.
Child of Our Time - driving test - tyre tread
I have noticed over the years that generally speaking if a bloke is driving and talking and the traffic situation gets complex the bloke stops talking but a woman in the same situation will stop driving (or at least concentrating on her driving) and keep talking - It's a priority thing!