Ultrasonic Petrol Injector cleaning - Cyd
I'm interested in hearing the perceived wisdom of the 'room on the efficiency of ultrasonic injector cleaning.
Certainly I remember carburettors used to get gummed up with dirt and petrol residues. Dirt should no longer be a problem with good quality fuel filters, but do injectors still suffer from residue build up? My car has done almost 140k miles now and I've recently cleaned out the turbo/intercooler/intake system which has made it run a lot better.
Would cleaning the injectors be the icing on the cake or a waste of time and money (£70 for a set of four)? Also any way to tell if they need cleaning (they are easy enough to remove for inspection)?
Ultrasonic Petrol Injector cleaning - martint123
I got mine done locally and noticed an improvement in tickover so I guess something change. 15 year old with 120k miles of cheap fuel.


(no connection except as customer)
