Dazzling! - Alan Clark
Has anyone else noticed the proliferation of people using as many lights at the front as is possible? I mean driving / fog lights...all 4 blobs of light glowing out at you. Aren't they lucky, they can see where they are heading. Maybe they are that 'special' breed. You know them; they who do not have to indicate, simply pull out; they who have no mobility of neck or eyes to view their rear-view mirrors; they who can overtake you then slow down to a lower speed than before; they who have a 'fixed throttle' - can do no other speed than 43 MPH regardless of speed limits. I am continually annoyed by these 'I'm alright, Jack' people. What, pray tell, are they being taught during their lessons? Any ideas anyone? Any more annoying habits? Come on, get them off your collective chests!
Re: Dazzling! - prm
How about badly adjusted lights at this time of year. I'd make that a spot fine. Costs only a few quid to get them fixed/sorted.
Dazzling! - David Lacey
Middle lane hogs on the motorway. Bug the hell out of me.

Again, I propose a fixed on the spot fine of £30.

Re: Dazzling! - Guy Lacey
.....people doing 43 mph on the single carriageway A358 in Somerset with a snake of 30 cars behind them without pulling over despite a blue Golf 5cm from their rear end - - - - - & braking every time a car comes the other way!
Re: Dazzling! - Andrew Tarr
Maybe they CAN'T see where they are going, which is why they need twice as many lights as anyone else ??
Re: Dazzling! - AndyS
Anyone wearing a hat while driving.
Re: Dazzling! - Dwight Van-Driver
Many lights make hands work?
Mobile phones, lippy, nose picking?
Re: Dazzling! - Ian (cape town)
anybody who drives in the rain with no lights. I drove home on Monday, through a "monkeys wedding" (A delightful local phrase for when it is p*ssing down from directly above, yet the sun is shining from another part of the sky - you can imagine). As a result, the roads were slick, reflecting the glare, and throwing up loads of spray - and here is dingbat (a) on a little 125 motorbike with no lights, and dingbat (b) in a silver audi, almost invisible.
Re: Dazzling! - Dan J
I got so annoyed with the pillock in the SAAB driving behind me with his sidelights and foglights on lastnight I retaliated by turning my own fog lights on. He flashed a couple of times but I drowned that out by (visibly) turning my rear view onto darkened mode and as far as I was concerned mine weren't going off until his did.
Re: Dazzling! - Tim Guymer
Have to admit that I resort to that too at times Dan. Also flash cars coming towards me with front fogs on. Probably not the best idea but when you see them day in day out you start to get mighty peeved!
Re: Dazzling! - Brill
This is my only gripe with this forum . . . before I would happily have ignored the front fog users, but now, I SHARE YOUR IRRITATION.

Let's hope a few of them visit the site and learn just how dim they are (so to speak).

Re: Dazzling! - Peter Mason
Situation..You've been waiting minutes to join a busy road, then just when there's a gap in the traffic from the left a car approaches from the right, preventing you from pulling out. Then,(you guessed it!) he/she turns left into your junction without signalling..
Re: Dazzling! - Keith Stockdale
Tailgating on the Motorway has to be the worst of all.

If I don't want to do 90MPH to overtake on a dual carriageway then I won't (9 points means I cant anyway!)

Even more irritating when a BMW driver storms up at well over 100MPH brakes at the last minute and then flashes you to get out of the way when you are midway through overtaking a wagon (who is generally himself speeding, thus it takes longer to get past.)

I dont want to get another speeding ticket and get banned so I wont go very much at all over 70MPH.
Re: Dazzling! - prm
Can I just take a moment to throw TRACTORS into the middle of this discussion?
Re: Dazzling! - Alan Clark
AAAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Someone just HAD to mention the dreaded 'T' word! I drive 70 miles daily each way from Skeg to just past Kings Lynn...hey, I know we all need to eat our veg, but aren't they a pain in the proverbials? Further irritations have to include folks who have to do 30 MPH but at least tractors do pull over occasionally...!
Re: Dazzling! - Andrew Tarr
.. .. you shouldn't choose to drive that far every day !! ..
Re: Dazzling! - Stuart B
Moan 1
Might as well raise the stakes here if we are having a moan, people who think they can drive just as they like regardless of the law, AND THEN COMPLAIN ON THE RARE OCCASIONS THEY GET NICKED.

Moan 2,
Labour government, (sorry for using bad language ;-)
Re: Dazzling! - Tomo
I would have thought those who agree with 1 probably vote for 2!

(Anyone else ever feel, just a little, occasionally, perhaps in some respects the wrong side won the war?)
Re: Dazzling! - markymarkn
Police Cars.

Very annoying

Like last night. ok, so it was 3 in the morning, but I dropped my mate off at his house and a cop car followed me up the street and proceeded to copy my 3 point turn (even though it took me 3 points and him about 7).

Then he decides to pull up next to me, wind his window down and have a chat 'alright sir, good night blah blah blah'. I wasnt doing anything wrong at all, but I thought, only doing there job and it must be boring at 3am just driving round. fair enough although slightly annoying at 3am.

what annoyed me the most is he asked me my name, address and insurance company (?), pulled in front and told me to wait, then just drove off! Didnt bother to say thanks, sorry for keeping you, anything else. ignorance.

oh yeah, police car also had a headlight out. couldnt be arsed to tell him though, just wanted to get rid of him and go to bed.

Then speeds off up the road.

I'm sick of being pulled up for no reason at all, just cos they're bored and want to talk to someone. Hurray for gettin rid of traffic cops in nottingham.

sorry to carry on! rant over.

Re: Dazzling! - Lee H
In order to celebrate my birthday yesterday (didn't post, too drunk, although that doesn't stop some folk), I'm going into Victor Meldrew old b*gger mode...It does go slightly off topic towards the end.

* Fog lights when it's not foggy
* Car driving mobile phone users
* Tailgating
* Boy Racing
* Speeding Mercedes Sprinter vans
* Speeding in town
* Lack of integrated transport policy
* Shrink wrapped CDs
* Having to get out of bed on cold mornings
* Cheap coffee from coffee-espresso-choc powder vending machines
* Not being as rich as David Beckham
* Not being as handsome as David Beckham
* Not being as talented as David Beckham
* Price of cheese
* That WHSmith advert about Newcastle (whatever happened to John Menzies)

and finally

* Manchester United
Re: Dazzling! - Andy
Am I alone in being thoroughly p'd off by Harry Potter overload? Just as I thought the 10-year-long dinosaur craze was over, along comes Harry Potter Hype!