Is is stuck on repeat? - markymarkn
I'm sick of reading about Ladas in every single thread. For cryin out loud, can somebody please change the CD (modern day record)?

I dont mind reading about them now and again, but when every thread is turning into a 'Ladas are really good' brainwashing session it gets a bit monotonous.

Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas Ladas

right thats it. enough about Ladas.

end of.

btw, i've copied and pasted this from another thread but thought it needed more 'presence' so started a new one.

I dont want this to turn into another CW/LAC slagging match, just sick of hearing about Ladas. LAC, some of the stuff you say is quite interesting and/or amusing, just stop going on about Ladas! I love my astra but i dont go on about it all day everyday. If you want to talk about Ladas, start a new thread, just dont try to turn every other thread into a thread about Ladas.

Cheers, hope I dont upset anyone or start world thread war 2.
Re: Is is stuck on repeat? - Martyn [Back Room moderator]
Ladas Ladas Ladas....

Sorry Mark!

Yes, you're right. I'm not going to do anything drastic, but could we please hear a little bit less about these wonderful economy vehicles in the future?
Re: Is is stuck on repeat? - Martyn [Back Room moderator]
In fact, Chris Watson, general opinion (see the thread entitled "Shows by the roadside/Snitch": and this time it's not rabble, I don't think) is that you're beginng to pee people off again.

Please take this as a kind and informal warning to watch your step. Remember that line I drew for Mark (Brazil)? There's one for you, too:


Careful you stay on the right side of it, there's a good chap!

Re: Is is stuck on repeat? - David W
Is it time for some calming Xantia copy?


Mushy peas are awful - Lee H
I love my Xantia, it has a lever which makes it go up and down. Well, most of the time ;) Can't say that about all cars.

All cars have good/bad points, and just like mushy peas, you either love or hate them.

Regards all,
Re: Is is stuck on repeat? - Dwight Van-Driver
Gan hoot Chris end hev a few broons doon the Big market instead o clartin the site oop aboot Lardha's. Div ent give the southerners kause fer komplaint.
Yah no thous bettah man. Macams rule OK.

(BRM - talk to him in his language and he might just obey }:o[ )
toon army. - ladas are cool
how can you say that macams rule, when its obvious that its the magpies that rule (after all, its newcastle united who are in the top 5).
Is it stuck on repeat - Bob H
The advantage of World Wars is they produce casualties!
Re: Is is stuck on repeat? - Ian Cook
Enthusiasts are OK - zealots can be a pain in the rear end. We just need to strike a balance.

Just think how much inane twaddle I could generate about the Citroen C15 van!
