Ask an Expert - THe Growler
HJ's topic headings in Saturday's T'graphs are masterly and they are as a good a read as his column themselves.

This letter from last week had me convulsed. Can you believe anyone would actually write in with this stuff? HJ this has to be TIC. I think we should be told.

Several deadly skins

My Ford Focus is affected by regular dandruff-sized particles inside the cabin. Is it the filter system? Am I using the wrong car shampoo? Or is just an annoying part of car life?
M.C., Cardiff

You might be using the wrong shampoo on yourself. It's caused by discarded skin particles, which show up very visibly on Ford plastics.

Is there nothing our man doesn't have an answer for?

HJ you are head and shoulders above the others.
Ask an Expert - J Bonington Jagworth
You'd think "dandruff-sized particles" might have been a clue! Full marks to HJ for providing a sensible (and polite) answer, though...