96 Rover Tourer rear indicator too white - mfarrow

My dad just had his 1996 Rover Tourer serviced and MOT'd at an MG Rover dealer. In the course of the service, they replaced what they call "Bulb and holder assy." on the invoice. When my dad queeried this he was told that they had to replace it due to the rear indicators being "too white" for current MOT standards.

Is this true? Or is the dealer trying to make money (OK, £5), out of replacing things which don't need doing?


Mike Farrow
96 Rover Tourer rear indicator too white - Andrew Moorey (Tune-Up)
No, it is a common ocurrence when the orange film on the bulb fades and falls off with age thus showing an illegal white light in the indicators. I replace a lot in the course of routine servicing as part of the lamps check, the bulbs retail at £1.25 each + VAT. I dont charge for fitting and make about 30p per bulb so it really is done as a favour to the customer to avoid a 'pull' or MOT fail.

Simplicate and add lightness!!
96 Rover Tourer rear indicator too white - jc
Don't forget the holder assy.-that may have corroded.