Mercedes-Benz SLK 280 2007 6 speed manual. - Too much handbrake travel, more than 5 clicks. - rc31

What are the fixes for this problem, can the system be adjusted, or is this a self adjusting system?

Mercedes-Benz SLK 280 2007 6 speed manual. - Too much handbrake travel, more than 5 clicks. - hardway


but from under the car,

where the 2 h/brake cabels meet is the adjuster.

`13 mm lock nut/s slakened then internal hex (6 allen if I recall) key is used to move the pivot abutment ,

then re lockthe 13mm lock nuts.

this is to adjust the cabel slack/free play.

Mercedes-Benz SLK 280 2007 6 speed manual. - Too much handbrake travel, more than 5 clicks. - gordonbennet

Have they done away with the manual adjusters in the rear brake disc/drums?, those should be the first adjustment to be taken up, accessible only after wheel removal?