any - Automatic gearbox - dan86

While giving someone a lift they commented on that why did put the car in neutral when stationery? I didn't have an answer to why but I just thought it was better than leaving it in gear.

What our other backroomers thoughts?

any - Automatic gearbox - Avant

You're right - the alternative is leaving it in Drive and having the transmission straining against the brakes. Not good for either, although it's OK if you're only stationary for a very short time.

any - Automatic gearbox - Wukl

Wisdom I have read implies that if stationary at lights etc, there is less wear on the box if you leave it in Drive. I suppose it's the continual shifting of the solenoids and subsequent 'shunt' in the gear train that hurts the workings, rather than just letting a little bit of heat build up in the torque converter.

any - Automatic gearbox - RT

It's also possible to engage the parking brake and release the footbrake - thus not dazzling those behind !

A number of cars go into neutral automatically if stationary with footbrake applied and re-engage the gears when the footbrake released, eg Vauxhalls.

It does save a small amount of fuel.

any - Automatic gearbox - dan86

The autobox in my car is a old fashioned 4 speed slush box that doesn't go in to neutral and if you don't apply the hand break all the way you can feel it trying to Creep forward if left in drive. putting it in neutral to me seems like the right thing to do but if it isn't I'm happy to leave it in gear.

any - Automatic gearbox - Manatee

Not much in it with a slush box. Less mechanical wear if left in D; the slip will put some heat into the transmission fluid but there will be some theoretical wear on the actuation mechaniam and brake bands if you go into neutral and back. Neither should be a problem with typical usage.

With DSG you must keep your foot on the brake if you leave it in D, to back off the clutch. Handbrake does not disengage clutch (at least on ours) although I am told that the gearbox will disengage it as a self-protection measure after a period, but I haven't tried it.