Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - transit

Changed battery need code for radio, dnt know serial no. were will I find that


Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - Galaxy

On a white label which is stuck onto the radio casing. You will need to pull the radio out from the dashboard a couple of inches in order to be able to read the label. You'll need a set of radio removal tools in order to be able to do this.

Once you have the serial number then you can work out the radio code by using:

This is assuming the serial number begins with an "M". if it begins with a "V" then the code will only be available from a Ford Main Dealer, or there are people on Ebay who claim they can do them for a fee.

Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - Gavgo

For Ford V serial radio codes you can get them online here. just need the serial number. >

Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - Georgie boy

Hi guys

Can anyone help me I need the radio code for my ford transit 6000cd radio serial number V033792?

Many thanks

Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - FP

The S/N V033792 should have the code


Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - Nikolajs Noviks
Is it possible to get the code for serial number: V130070
Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - FP

The S/N V130070 should have the code


Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - Gareth 85

Hi mate ...would you have the code for v112730...any help is appreciated, bern without the radio for months

Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - mrvandriver

s/n v236024

Could any one give me the pass code for a ford 6000cd radio 08 ford transit I replaced the battery

Thank you

Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - FP

The S/N V236024 should have the code


Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - mrvandriver

Thank you! that worked.I can listen to the Radio again!

Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - FP

Thank you for coming back to us to let us know the code was successful.

Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - Bjorn Sandnes
My serial number is V017532, but i don't have the code. Can you help me please.
Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - FP

The S/N V017532 should have the code


Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - Thomasek

Hi. Looks like you are star.

My S/N is V010407 how find a code?

King Regards

Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - FP

The S/N V010407 should have the code


Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - Thomasek

Yes. You are star. Code is working.

Thank you ao much.

Qish you win a lotery.


Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - FP

I don't do lotteries, but thank you anyway. It's good of you to come back to report the code is correct.

Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - Oliver Jønsson

I have the S/N: V065792

Can you help me get the code for the radio?
Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - elekie&a/c doctor
Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - Rusty VanMan

Any chance you have the code for V040597

Very grateful....!

Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - elekie&a/c doctor
Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - Rusty VanMan

Thanks. Absolute super star, worked immediately. Very grateful.

I've been driving b***** thing without a radio for couple months, finally the silence is over!

Thanks again.

Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - Pr0d1Gy
Is there any chance you could get a code for my car please. It’s a 6000CD radio and the serial is V430834.

Kind regards

Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - FP

The S/N V430834 should have the code


Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - Dan Murf

Please could you help me get a code the serial number is V111454.

Many Thanks

Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - FP

The S/N V111454 should have the code


Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - Brian Eastwood

Hi I have radio serial V108637

Could I get a code if possible

Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - FP

The S/N V108637 should have the code


Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - Chrisnz

My serial number is V137434 but i don't have the code. Can you help me please.

Edited by Chrisnz on 24/06/2022 at 14:45

Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - FP

The S/N V137434 should have the code


Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - Chrisnz

Cheers mate....all works again

Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - FP

Thanks for coming back to us. I assume the code is correct.

Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - Chrisnz

Yes all unlocked and working....

Thanks again

Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - FP

"In order not to wait for an answer from the forum..."

If you want an instant answer from the site linked above, you need to pay £4.99; otherwise you may have to wait for up to 24 hours - that's what the site says.

In any case, you will have to give your e-mail address.

Some people will prefer to ask here, where the response is always free, involves no e-mail and is usually given within an hour or two.

Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - jimmyjim

Well, if there is a need to resolve the problem quickly, then I will pay. But all people has their own opinion on this matter. Moreover, registration on the forum also requires an email address. And if you don't want to provide your personal email, then you can create a separate one for various sites and newsletters from companies. In my opinion, everything is clear and simple. But everyone chooses what is more convenient for him/her.

Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - Iain Souter

I have a replacement Ford Transit 6000CD unit for my van due to the original units display being blacked out at the left. The serial number of the replacement unit is V005291 can anyone help me with the Radio Code?

Thank you in advance.

Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - FP

The S/N V005291 should have the code


Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - Iain Souter

Fantastic, Thanks again for your help.

I'll swap the units over and try this code.


Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - FP

You're welcome.

Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - Iain Souter

My Ford Transit 6000CD serial number is V048921 can anyone help me with the Radio Code?

Thank you in advance.

Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - FP

The S/N V048921 should have the code


Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - Iain Souter

That's great, worked no problem.

Thank you.

Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - Gareth 85

Hi mate still working out the forum..but have you got a code for serial number v112730

Been stuck without a radio for months...thanks appreciate your help

Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - elekie&a/c doctor
Code is 0914
Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - Chris Mortimer

Hi, anyone work out what the code for OFMM268784 is please?

Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - elekie&a/c doctor
Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - Chris Mortimer

Thanks very much, spot on

Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - Jack Brackley

Can anyone help please looking for code for 6000 radio No. V033465 Thankyou

Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - FP

The S/N V033465 should have the code


Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - Davethedreamer

Hi, My serial number is M139980, is it possible you know the code for this at all.



Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - FP

The S/N M139980 should have the code


Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - David King99
Hi, can you please help me find the code for this serial number v018457?

Thank you.
Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - elekie&a/c doctor
Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - David King99
Thank you. It worked! Happy days!
Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - Davethedreamer

The S/N M139980 should have the code


Brilliant mate. Worked a treat.

Thank you very much.

Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - FP

Glad you got it sorted and thanks for letting us know the code is correct.

Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - Ben J
Any chance you have the code for V010225 please?!
Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - FP

The S/N V010225 should have the code


Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - Patrick Langworthy

Good Morning,

I have a serial number V089937.

I would greatly appreciate the radio code if you are able to generate it?

Kind Regards

Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - elekie&a/c doctor
Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - Tedstab

My serial number is V008761, but i don't have the code. Can you help me please.

Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - elekie&a/c doctor
Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - Hilmy Razik


I had to reconnect my car battery. Would appreciate if you could generate the radio code for me. Its V001484.

Thank you

Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - FP

The S/N V001484 should have the code


Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - Hilmy Razik

That worked mate. You made my day.

Thanks a bunch.

Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - FP

Thanks for letting us know.

Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - domanic marino

My radio has locked from the battery dying could you help me please,

My serial number is M129431 thanks in advance :)
Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - FP

The S/N M129431 should have the code


P.S. Sorry about the delay in replying; your post seems to have gone under the radar.

Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - James Peace
Hi mate, need a radio code for S/N - V144640

Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - FP

The S/N V144640 should have the code


Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - James Peace
Appreciate it thank you worked this morning
Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - FP

Thanks for coming back to confirm the code is correct.

Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - Sean Mc

Hi, do you have the code for s/n V055971 please? Thank you

Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - FP

The S/N V055971 should have the code


Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - Sean Mc

Brilliant, thank you !

Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - FP

Thanks for coming back to let us know the code is - presumably - correct.

Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - Ross lough
Hi mate just had to change my battery on my 2010 transit.. my serial number is v021770

Could you please find out what my 4 digit code is? Many thanks, Ross
Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - FP

The S/N V021770 should have the code


Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - Ross lough
Thanks bud. Worked spot on. If you’re ever in Belfast I owe you a pint
Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - FP

Thanks for letting us know.

I'm not likely to be crossing the water any time soon, but thanks for the offer.

Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - semwest

Good morning,

I was wondering if you could help me find the code for S/N: V219451.

Thanks in advance!

Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - elekie&a/c doctor
4257 code
Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - Samuel Dymoke-Bradshaw

Hi, would you be able to help me out with a code for my stereo please.

The serial number is V114090. Thanks

Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - FP

The S/N V114090 should have the code


Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - Samuel Dymoke-Bradshaw

Amazing, thank you!

Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - FP

Thanks for letting us know the code is correct.

Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - Steve Niven
Does anyone have code for 6000 cd serial no v261622? Isn’t it annoying on long journeys without the radio or Bluetooth
Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - elekie&a/c doctor
Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - Steve Niven
That’s great
Thankyou very much
Superstars on here
Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - loren roe
hi there
any one know the code for ford 6000 cd v168244 please??
Ford Transit - ford transit 6000 radio code - elekie&a/c doctor