jetta tdi - grabbing dsg - mr thicky

when my jetta is cold it takes up drive smoothly then it goes through a period of grabbing then eases off a bit .Does anyone know if it can be adjusted or fixed .It's only done 30,000 mls.

jetta tdi - grabbing dsg - 72 dudes

Lots of posts about the VW Group DSG gearbox on this forum, a quick search should throw most of them up.

A fresh software download from the VW main dealer may help matters, or unfortunately you may have a more serious problem.

Start with the software upgrade first.

For future reference, year, model, engine size, fuel type would be useful information as there are I believe, two different kinds of DSG box, wet clutch and dry clutch versions.

jetta tdi - grabbing dsg - mr thicky

does anybody out there have a vw jetta, or similar,dsg 6spd.gearbox and does it snatch-jerk-grab.or surge on take off? sometimes it will stall coming off my drive in reverse.Is there an adjustment or fix.Could it be the software? I've only had it 3months so have not spoken to anyone yet.Grateful for any advice (if I can get my head round this site) apart from this it drives brilliantly but it can be a pain in traffic up a gradient.

jetta tdi - grabbing dsg - daveyjp
Had same problem on an A3 2.0 tdi 170 PD version. It needed a new mechatronic unit, thankfully under warranty.