Fiat Panda - Malta car hire scam - pilgarlick

We hired a Fiat Panda from First Car Rental (Active Car Rental) in Malta recently. I don't suppose that there is a great deal to choose between the "budget" companies, so I'm sure that my experience this week was not all that unusual. I collected the pre-booked vehicle from a small "downtown" office. The staff were very helpful and friendly, but the documentation took ages and then we had to walk around the block a time or two to even find the vehicle, as parking around there is impossible.

We then went over the car with the finest tooth-comb I've ever met and every tiny scratch or dent was marked on the booking out sheet, No bad thing in a way, but a bit tedious. I also had to pay €30 up front for half a tank full of fuel. Assuming that the Fiat Panda holds about 40 litres that would be about right, but, as normal, the instruction was to return the tank empty. Unnecessarily stressful and alien to our normal careful philosophy. As it happened, I guess there was at least a gallon in the tank when I took the car back, so the hire cost another €8 or so. A bit irritating, I suppose, but no big deal. The guage also indicated less than half a tank on checkout; I queried it, and was told that "it's the usual position". Again, a bit irritating, but no more.

We then found the next day that the air conditioning either wasn't fitted or wasn't working. As we only had the car for four days and the weather wasn't too hot, I couldn't face the thought of all the paperwork involved, so we lived with it.

When I took the car back, the same - very pleasant - young man checked it back in in the minutest detail. I've lived in Malta for years and I know about the driving and the traffic and had driven with extraordinary care and was pleased - if a little surprised - that we had had no incidents or near misses. The car was thus exactly as we'd found it, so the agent signed it off and I was quite relieved to go back to our hotel on the bus.

I wasn't very pleased, therefore, to get a phone call later to say that they had found deep scratches on the passenger's dashboard which looked as if they'd been done with a sharp knife and that we should be charged for the damage. Using, of course, the credit card we had had to register for the deposit when we checked out. I demanded that they bring the car to me so that I could photograph the "damage" to refute the claim and it was agreed that we could see it at the airport the next morning as we prepared to fly home.

You will have guessed that the car wasn't there when we reported to the airport office, so we had to fly home with the claim unresolved. If there were scratches there, they were there throughout our hire and could hardly have been significant or we should have noticed them. Or they were done after we left the car with the company. Either way it leave a sour taste in the mouth and now the thought of a battle with insurers and travel companies to ensure that the truth will out and that we shan't be charged,

There is a fine dividing line between sharp business practice and downright dishonesty and I think that Malta car hire companies are perilously close to the latter. It's surely better to have a satisfied customer who will come back rather than one who writes to Trip Advisor to complain. How nice it would have been, for example, to have found the petrol guage showing just over half full rather than just under. Shame. I probably won't bother hiring a car again and I certainly won't use that company.

One might think that once the car had been signed back in, any new damage would be the owner's problem. Not so in this case. We have had €350 removed from our account without permission as our "contribution" towards a new dashboard. I imagine it would have taken five minutes to repair the damage sufficiently at a cost of next to nothing, so it does look like a new version of an old scam. The annoying bit is that there's nothing we could have done to prevent that sum being removed from our Visa account. Or is there? Does anyone have any advice or comment? Thanks

Edited by Avant on 27/04/2013 at 18:39

Fiat Panda - Malta car hire scam - Armitage Shanks {p}

Buy your own CDW insurance before you go. I paid £19.93, including the premium tax for 7 days cover on a hire car in Europe. Covers up to £5000 of XS £5000 of tyres, windscreen and underbody and a lot of other stuff, misfuelling, personal accident etc. It may be money down the drain, all insurenace is if you don't claim. I wont mention the company name but they and many others in the same line of business can bee found via Google

You could try reporting this as an unwarranted deduction, to your card company and try to get the frim to send photos. Of course the shysters can send you pictures of any old scratched dashboard can't they and you probably ticked some box that gives them an "out"

Fiat Panda - Malta car hire scam - pilgarlick

Yes, thanks for that. We have an annual policy with Insurance4carhire, and were a little disappointed to discover that it doesn't cover damage inside the car. We could have had a crash or lost a tyre and not been out of pocket. A bit galling as I know the car went straight out again and that the damage could so easily be sorted in five minutes at no cost.

Fiat Panda - Malta car hire scam - Armitage Shanks {p}

My apology - if I came across as patronising. I have used 4carhire in the past and had a claim for bodywork damage paid. I have looked at my current policy, with another company, and I find that internal damage is not covered. However my understading is that you are covered for the XS on the car and you have been charged on that basis (you have been charged an XS) so why won't they pay? Financial Services Authority next perhaps? The Ombudsman replacement!

Fiat Panda - Malta car hire scam - pilgarlick
Please don't apologise. I didn't think that your reply was patronising in the least. Thanks for your latest. I'll see what the company thinks. Incidentally, First Car in Malta have responded very considerately to my letters of complaint, although the charge is still on my account. I just hope that they will finally realise that we are entirely innocent. Trouble is there a lot of chancers around and I can (almost) see First Car's point of view. I imagine a lot of the genuinely guilty try to weasel their way out
Fiat Panda - Malta car hire scam - pilgarlick

Following on from my last, I have had another reponse from First Car Hire. I have to admit that my initial impressions of the company at the start of the dispute were not favourable, but they have responded smartly to each of my queries and have offered to reassess the situation in a very reasonable way. I certainly have no reason now not to recommend the company which I believe to be entirely honourable and reputable.

Fiat Panda - Malta car hire scam - Dave N

But you said "When I took the car back, the same - very pleasant - young man checked it back in in the minutest detail...... so the agent signed it off"

Surely that's the end of the saga? The end of your responsibility?

Fiat Panda - Malta car hire scam - TeeCee

Surely that's the end of the saga? The end of your responsibility?

That would be why it's obviously an attempted scam by the hire company rather than a genuine misunderstanding.

I tend to stick with the big hire chains. They'll look at the thing, mark the obvious dents and that's it. As long as it's the same shape when it comes back as it was when it went out and doesn't look like it's been used for mud-plugging, they're happy. If I find myself somewhere where they insist on noting every slight mark when booking a car out, I leave and go somewhere else.

Tends not to be the cheapest option, but the lack of comeback and hassle is worth a few quid in my book.

Fiat Panda - Malta car hire scam - pilgarlick

Trouble is that there's a clause in the small print on the back of their form which allows a subsequent inspection "by the cleaning team" to raise reports of "damage" not noted by the guy to whom you return the car. Who ever reads the small print to that extent? But it does, of course, leave the hapless punter utterly exposed. I think that this company is reasonable and am convinced that the damage was caused by a passing third party after we had returned the car. But it was the firm's reponsiblity if the window or door was left open when I had handed back the keys to their agent in the street.