medical - old drivers - Gerry Sanderson

Not mentioned before from elsewhere

The findings were published in a consultation asking drivers to submit evidence considering whether driving licence renewals could be changed.

Although the DVLA doesn't list any specific proposals, they are asking motorists to submit their ideas before October 22.

This can be done through the DVLA's Snap Survey tool or posted to their headquarters in Swansea.


medical - old drivers - Ronharry


I noticed your post about driving licence. So the thing is I have just got a driving licence by paying for an exchange service, I pay to make an exchange to an italy driving licence but I use a international, crazy thing is they actually gave me one.

Now I am worried if it is legal? Or will I get in trouble, I used this website: deleted
Problem is am worried if I will get caught, or if I have an accident.

If anyone can give me some advice, I surely will appreciate it

Big Ron

Edited by Xileno on 26/09/2023 at 07:48

medical - old drivers - gordonbennet

Thanks, have filled in the survey with hopefully some common sense answers, doubtless all will be ignored.

medical - old drivers - Gerry Sanderson

Middle man may well correct me but as I understand it a domestic driving licence from the country of your normal residence will cover any temporary driving in uk.. If permanent resident of uk then domestic licence should be exchanged to a uk licence.

Go to for their briefing on licences


medical - old drivers - HGV ~ P Valentine

The medical for pensioners is a joke. a massive joke and other drivers pay the price. The issue is that the driver fills it out themselves and DVLA rely on the honesty of the driver.

When they done a road side test for all drivers, 40% had been given some sort of notice, an additional 20% had to get someone else to come and pick the car up as the police said their eyesight was too bad to drive.

Edited by HGV ~ P Valentine on 16/10/2023 at 14:55

medical - old drivers - FP

"When they done a road side test for all drivers, 40% had been given some sort of notice, an additional 20% had to get someone else to come and pick the car up as the police said their eyesight was too bad to drive."

A road test for all drivers, 40% of whom were given a notice?

Do give the source for this, if it exists.

medical - old drivers - RT

The medical for pensioners is a joke. a massive joke and other drivers pay the price. The issue is that the driver fills it out themselves and DVLA rely on the honesty of the driver.

When they done a road side test for all drivers, 40% had been given some sort of notice, an additional 20% had to get someone else to come and pick the car up as the police said their eyesight was too bad to drive.

DVLA pick up on the slightest hint of a myriad of medical conditions and have huge backlogs of drivers being medically assessed for fitness to drive.

I think ALL drivers should have their eyes tested every 2 years, with over 70s being tested annually.

medical - old drivers - skidpan

Surely most spectacle weares do but not all wear them.

medical - old drivers - Terry W

The following has some remarkable stats on car insurance.

100+ UK Car Insurance Statistics 2023 (

With respect to the elderly collision rates which are mileage adjusted, 17-24 year olds have more accidents than those 86+. Taken at face value driving licences should be restricted to those over age 25!

The lowest collision rates are the 66-70 age group.

medical - old drivers - Brit_in_Germany

According to the government statistics, the number of accidents on a per driven mile basis rockets from the age of 70.

Reported road casualties Great Britain: older drivers factsheet 2020 - GOV.UK (