Old - TV interceptors - Ethan Edwards

Just sat through a programme my wife recorded. Old Astra four youngsters driving like they stole it. Got sufficiently ahead of the cops. Decamped and scattered. They managed to catch one or two but could not prove which one was driving. So all let go with no further action. These people will ultimately keep doing this until they are stopped and or kill an innocent person.

Can anyone see why all occupants who knowingly allowed themselves to be carried in an illegal car by a youngster not Old enough to have a licence. Why the law does not use a joint enterprise approach and charge all equally? Irrespective of who was actually driving? It was an old programme and maybe they do now , but it seemed like a glaring loophole.

Edited by Ethan Edwards on 27/10/2021 at 23:17

Old - TV interceptors - Engineer Andy

IMHO what Plod should've done is get their parents down the Cop Shop, on TV and humiliated them for being bad parents. Only then would there be any chance of them doing their jobs as parents and instilling some kind of discipline on their offspring.

In addition, all the 'yoofs' involved should've been forced to clean graffitti and clean up litter in the community - supervised and preferably nearby to their schools, and at their parents' expense - for several months.

Old - TV interceptors - alan1302

IMHO what Plod should've done is get their parents down the Cop Shop, on TV and humiliated them for being bad parents. Only then would there be any chance of them doing their jobs as parents and instilling some kind of discipline on their offspring.

That assumed the parents would be humiliated and not enjoy the 'fame'

Old - TV interceptors - Bolt

Only then would there be any chance of them doing their jobs as parents and instilling some kind of discipline on their offspring.

LOL, they have no idea what discipline is, and as stated would probably love every second of being famous even if it is for the wrong reason.....