Looking for advice regarding a car park scrape - Bananaman44
Hi all,

I am a fairly new driver and at the weekend misjudged a space in a multi-storey and scraped another car. There were minor scratches and paint transfer with my car and there’s. I got out and checked the damage and then moved to a different space. I did not have a pen or paper so was unable to leave a note. After a while I went back to the car park and checked my own car but also waited for about 15-20 minutes to see if someone would come to the other car so I could speak to them but they didn’t appear. I then went back into the shopping centre and when I came back they were gone. I felt and still do feel incredibly guilty. I wish I had been able to speak to the driver of the other car but they were not there. As soon as I got home I put all my details in an email to the shopping centre in case someone contacts them. Because I didn’t leave a note I also reported it to 101 and have a reference number. This was done well within 24 hours I add. I have also notified my insurance saying I don’t want to claim but as info in case they got contacted. This was on Saturday and I still have not heard anything. I have worried a couple of times and live chatted with my local police department. Both times the operators have assured me I have done all I can and cannot do anymore. They have said if someone does contact 101 they will just pass my details so they can contact me. Is there anything else I can do? Have I done everything correctly?
Looking for advice regarding a car park scrape - Xileno

Not sure you can do any more - and gone much further than a lot would.

Looking for advice regarding a car park scrape - Miniman777
Ok so no paper and pen.

No phone with a camera either to photograph damage and number plate to trace owners via DVLA?
Just asking....not being critical to a new driver.

Having a camera or cameraphone with you can be useful in accident scenarios, as can paper/pen to note witnesses. The ability to record an incident and surroundings immediately afterwards if you are able can be very useful but also helps when the he said/she said ‘admission’ later changes to one of blaming you!

We all learn from our experiences and you’ve done your best.
Looking for advice regarding a car park scrape - Bananaman44
Hi Miniman,

Thanks for your advice, at the time I did not take pictures of the other cars numberplate and have realised in the future if anything occurs I will look to do this and try and keep a pen and paper in my car. I appreciate the future advice and know you are not trying to criticise. I have done as much as I have been able to but yes with your advice if anything happens in the future I will be able to do more