Seat Ibiza - Worn tyres - Keith Chesney

Two months ago we bought a 2017 Ibiza with a new MOT from a large dralership.All was fine until my wife remarked that the car was sliding about the road in wet conditions.After checking the tyres I could not believe what I saw.The two front tyres had wires poking out the full diameter of the wheel in three places on the inside of both front tyres.Theres no way on earth that the car could have passed an MOT two months previously.Just wondered if the garage has acted illegally and the best course of action to take.


Seat Ibiza - Worn tyres - FP

I'm afraid I can't answer your question directly, but I have to say that the fact that you did not discover the problem for two months won't help your case.

Seat Ibiza - Worn tyres - Bromptonaut

I'm afraid I can't answer your question directly, but I have to say that the fact that you did not discover the problem for two months won't help your case.

More information needed including:

Did you look at the tyres when appraising the vehicle?

  • How many miles since purchase?
  • What sort of dealer - on line, franchised etc?
  • Is there any possibility of a fault causing the vehicle to scrub its tyres?
Seat Ibiza - Worn tyres - Lee Power

Straddling speed cushions is known to destroy the inside edges of the front tyres.

Seat Ibiza - Worn tyres - skidpan

Straddling speed cushions is known to destroy the inside edges of the front tyres.

Yet another urban myth. Been straddling speed cushions for as long as they have existed (far more comfortable than crashing over them with either the NS or OS wheels) and have yet to see "destroyed" inside edges of the tyres other than a Focus C Max that had badly worn inside edges after 14,000 miles on the OEM tyres. Had the tracking checked and it was towing out by a large amount, tracking corrected and new tyres fitted which lasted about 25,000 miles and wore evenly.

Blaming speed cushion is easier than accepting the driver has damaged the car in some other way. In our case I remain convinced the tracking was our when the car was delivered.

Seat Ibiza - Worn tyres - Engineer Andy

Straddling speed cushions is known to destroy the inside edges of the front tyres.

Yet another urban myth. Been straddling speed cushions for as long as they have existed (far more comfortable than crashing over them with either the NS or OS wheels) and have yet to see "destroyed" inside edges of the tyres other than a Focus C Max that had badly worn inside edges after 14,000 miles on the OEM tyres. Had the tracking checked and it was towing out by a large amount, tracking corrected and new tyres fitted which lasted about 25,000 miles and wore evenly.

Blaming speed cushion is easier than accepting the driver has damaged the car in some other way. In our case I remain convinced the tracking was our when the car was delivered.

I think that 'destroyed' is going rather over the top - from personal experience, they do cause greater wear on the inner part of the tread and on the suspension, but it really depends upon three factors:

  • The number of them the car goes over each week;
  • The condition of the speed cushions - ones that are worn on the edges (some have metal frames within them for strength) and ones that are overly high can cause more wear than better designed ones that aren't worn;
  • The biggest factors are the speed at which the car goes over them and the distance between the right and left hand side tyres - wider cars will obviously avoid more or even all of the cushion.

I too wouldn't be surprised in the OP's case that the car had a tracking problem with the wheels/tyres, whether before the sale (and not picked up/remedied) or after (due to a driving incident).

Seat Ibiza - Worn tyres - Andrew-T

If the MoT was valid it seems that someone has swapped some wheels round. If that has not happened the 'new' MoT needs investigation. Whatever the explanation the seller has sold an unroadworthy car, even if several thousand miles have been covered since.

Assuming the tyres have been running at proper pressure maybe ?

Seat Ibiza - Worn tyres - skidpan

If the MoT was valid it seems that someone has swapped some wheels round. If that has not happened the 'new' MoT needs investigation. Whatever the explanation the seller has sold an unroadworthy car, even if several thousand miles have been covered since.

Assuming the tyres have been running at proper pressure maybe ?

[No suggestions of fraud towards other posters please. There are undoubtedly bad customers as well as bad garages but there is no suggestion of any ill-practice. Can we work on the information the OP has provided]


Edited by Xileno on 17/06/2021 at 10:20

Seat Ibiza - Worn tyres - skidpan

If the MoT was valid it seems that someone has swapped some wheels round. If that has not happened the 'new' MoT needs investigation. Whatever the explanation the seller has sold an unroadworthy car, even if several thousand miles have been covered since.

Assuming the tyres have been running at proper pressure maybe ?

[No suggestions of fraud towards other posters please. There are undoubtedly bad customers as well as bad garages but there is no suggestion of any ill-practice. Can we work on the information the OP has provided]


Is this the new Boardroom? Are we not allowed to state the obvious.

Its bad enough when it seems we can only recommend a Toyota without being criticised but this is taking it a step too far.

Take a step back and consider what your job really is. If you think its censorship its time you left.

Seat Ibiza - Worn tyres - Xileno

Skidpan - you have an email. No further comment about the moderation on the forum please, any complaints then use


Seat Ibiza - Worn tyres - FP

"Is this the new Boardroom? Are we not allowed to state the obvious.

Its bad enough when it seems we can only recommend a Toyota without being criticised but this is taking it a step too far."

You've been in this situation before, but don't seem to have learned much.

The comment about Toyota is absurd.

"Take a step back and consider what your job really is. If you think its censorship its time you left."

This is a bit rich. If you don't like how the forum is moderated, you are the one who should leave. You think you can tell moderators - on any forum - how to do their job? It doesn't work that way, as you well know.

Seat Ibiza - Worn tyres - Bromptonaut

Is this the new Boardroom? Are we not allowed to state the obvious.

It's obviously possible that a new user here with a question is trying it on. Whether it's likely or even probable is another matter.

Making accusations against those of us who've been here a while and have known 'quirks' is one thing. Plenty of us are up for robust debate.

Sticking it to a newbie with a straightforward question is another thing; a flagrant breach of site rules.

Edited 10:10 18-06-21 - grammar.

Edited by Bromptonaut on 18/06/2021 at 10:11

Seat Ibiza - Worn tyres - Keith Chesney

Car bought from a dealership online.Was told the front tyres were to be replaced with new ones and the MOT was done after I purchased car.Theres 3 compete circles of wire on the inside of each front tyre.Thats after less than 2000miles on supposed new tyres.!

Seat Ibiza - Worn tyres - Bromptonaut

Apart from the damage on the inside edges do the front tyres look new?

Does the MoT include any advisory message about tyres?

Seat Ibiza - Worn tyres - sammy1

You may be able to date the tyre age from the side walls. New tyres going like you say in two months Impossible

Seat Ibiza - Worn tyres - Brit_in_Germany

Also, check the tyres are the right size - not unknown for the wrong size to be fitted which then rub when on full lock.

Seat Ibiza - Worn tyres - sammy1

"""" think that 'destroyed' is going rather over the top - from personal experience, they do cause greater wear on the inner part of the tread and on the suspension, but it really depends upon three factors""

Destroyed is exactly how I would describe front tyres that were down to the wire and iilegal

If I was told that the car I had bought had two new front tyres fitted then this is one of the first things I would have checked on delivery.

The OP says the wife said that the car was sliding all over the road in wet conditions, even with tyres in very poor state would the car perform that bad?

In his first statement the OP infers that he bought the car with a new MOT but in his last post he says the MOT was done AFTER he bought the car. Sorry but in my opinion there is an element of doubt about this post not least the time scales.

Seat Ibiza - Worn tyres - Xileno

"In his first statement the OP infers that he bought the car with a new MOT but in his last post he says the MOT was done AFTER he bought the car. Sorry but in my opinion there is an element of doubt about this post not least the time scales."

I don't see any issues with the timescales, I suppose it's one of those things the more one looks at it the more possibilities emerge. I read it that he bought the car in April and it was given the MOT after he bought it but BEFORE it was delivered (this was an internet transaction).

Why would a dealer advertise a 2017 car without a fresh MOT and surely no-one would buy such a new car (to me anyway, with an old 2007 car...) knowing that more or less once they had got it they would have to put a MOT on it? In the past when I've bought cars 3+ years either for myself or assisted other people, the dealer has always done the MOT after the transaction has gone through.

Seat Ibiza - Worn tyres - sammy1

""""If I was told that the car I had bought had two new front tyres fitted then this is one of the first things I would have checked on delivery."""

Any thoughts on the above who on here would failed to check.

Seat Ibiza - Worn tyres - Xileno

Probably very few, if any - but we are motoring enthusiasts so take an interest in these matters.

Many do not, including my brother who would be unable to tell you whether his Audi was FWD or RWD, no idea what engine size it was, would not be able to give any idea what MPG it did etc. I could go on about other non-motoring things as well such as taking his camera in to Boots years ago in the days of film asking them to process the photos after two weeks in Italy, only to be told that there was no film in it to process. I kid you not.

We can go on dissecting the OP's post to the nth degree but can't we just give the benefit of the doubt and take it at face value. He may be sitting at home watching this and having a laugh, equally he might be thinking why am I getting examined.

If people really think it's a wind-up then it's not mandatory to contribute.

Seat Ibiza - Worn tyres - Bromptonaut

Why would a dealer advertise a 2017 car without a fresh MOT and surely no-one would buy such a new car (to me anyway, with an old 2007 car...) knowing that more or less once they had got it they would have to put a MOT on it? In the past when I've bought cars 3+ years either for myself or assisted other people, the dealer has always done the MOT after the transaction has gone through.

When I bought my 2016 Fabia in October 2019 it had, as offered, about 7 months MoT left. I got them to re MoT it to seal the deal but it was not automatic. Similarly when my son bought his Peugeot 107 in 2015 it was sold with around 8 months. IIRC dealer said their practice was to re do the MOT if there were fewer than 6 months left.

My Roomster was put through the MoT post sale but on that occasion it was dealer practice to do so.

I guess they don't want to MoT in advance of an agreed sale if the vehicle might not sell too quickly.

Seat Ibiza - Worn tyres - Andrew-T

Car bought from a dealership online. Was told the front tyres were to be replaced with new ones and the MOT was done after I purchased car. There's 3 compete circles of wire on the inside of each front tyre. That's after less than 2000miles on supposed new tyres.!

For me, that means either [a] the tyres haven't been replaced as promised, or [b] if they have, the wheels are toeing out badly to cause inner-edge wear. Either way, the sellers are at fault.

Seat Ibiza - Worn tyres - Keith Chesney

Turns out new tyres were fitted but the tracking was out by a full degree.The garage are reimbursing me for new tyres and tracking as they are obviously at fault for not checking the wheel alignment despite ticking it off on a pre sale checklist.Thanks for all your replies just relieved to get some safe tyres on car!

Seat Ibiza - Worn tyres - Keith Chesney

To clear up the MOT timescale conspiracy theory.I bought the car on condition the MOT was renewed as it had less than six months left.Hope that is more transparent.Thanks again

Seat Ibiza - Worn tyres - Xileno

Thank you for coming back to update the thread. The garage could perhaps have been more thorough but these things happen. They've done the right thing and you've got a good result.

I hope you will continue to contribute to the forum, this is generally a friendly place.