Skoda Karoq - No Motor Vehicles FPN - Jason Pang
Hi everyone,

Just looking for some advice because I can’t find any good and recent examples online.

Yesterday I went through a no motor vehicles sign (Call St, Leeds. I believe that it’s recently been put into place to assist with social distancing). There was also a bit that said no cars between 7pm and 5am and I went through at 19:18.

I just wanted to know what’s the likelihood of me being fined for this and what’s the usual and max fine and/or penalty points I could possibly get for this?

Skoda Karoq - No Motor Vehicles FPN - Bromptonaut

I think I'm right in saying that outside of London No Motor Vehicle signs are enforced by the Police/Courts. Usually done via a Fixed Penalty Notice; £50 but no points.

In London they're enforced by Councils/TfL with appeals going to a less formal Tribunal. The London Councils have an extensive network of cameras and use them for to issue Penalty Charge Notices by post.

I don't think that's been extended elsewhere in England.

No idea if West Yorks Police use cameras.

Edited by Bromptonaut on 14/06/2021 at 10:35

Skoda Karoq - No Motor Vehicles FPN - Gerry Sanderson

Who saw you ?

Camera or warden.

Otherwise watch post - dont worry not life shattering
