Is this a red light camera?? - Davida111

Hi all,

just hoping someone could let me know if this is a red light camera or some sort of monitoring device?

I accidentally ran the red light here yesterday =(

Edited by Davida111 on 14/04/2021 at 02:27

Is this a red light camera?? - Bromptonaut

It doesn't look like a camera, there are normally sited before the lights so as to clearly 'see' the stop line and light.

I'd guess the item pictured is some sort of sensor associated with operation of the lights themselves.

Is this a red light camera?? - Xileno

Sensor to control the sequencing of the lights unless things have changed in the last five years, I've been worried by those in the past on the Bristol ring road, where there are some real ones as well.

So I am quite sure you're in the clear but a useful reminder though as it was with me.

Edited by Xileno on 14/04/2021 at 08:36

Is this a red light camera?? - mcb100

It seems to have come up on here before, albeit 17 years ago -