Ask Honest John

Most recently answered parking fines questions
I am a furious with McDonalds for having been sent a notice of a £50 parking charge by MET Parking Services for being on a McDonald’s restaurant site near Heathrow for 76 minutes (free stay is apparently...
I have recently fallen foul of new parking restrictions and had my vehicle removed by a local clamping company. The cost for return of my vehicle was £540. The excessive penalty, the underhand way the...
I received a Parking Charge Notice (PCN) including photographs of my vehicle entering and leaving a carpark that alleges a parking contravention has occurred involving this vehicle due to a 72 minute extended...
Normally when I read the complaints of motorists fined for various minor speeding or parking offences on your page in the Motoring section of the Saturday Telegraph I adopt the view that if the rules are...
A friend came to help us prepare for a big party and went to the local M&S to pick up some pre-ordered food (£200 worth). She unthinkingly parked in their disabled space and went to collect the food. She...