Citroen Relay - I've cut holes in my clocked van -

Hi everyone. I've just bought a 2021 XLWB Relay with the aim to do an immediate conversion into a camper. I bought, it on Sunday and by Wednesday it's be stripped out, including seats and bulkhead and I've also cut a 400x400mm hole in the roof for a Maxxfan. That's when I saw the little sticker in the windscreen that said 'next service due at 104k miles' - the clock only says 33k!!!! Whoops.

I've got the original service invoice from the garage (95k miles) and proof from the van's original owner (a big multi-million pound company) that they sold it directly to the trade seller that I bought it from. It's a slam dunk really.

The trader has repeatedly offered me a full refund if the van is returned in original condition which is good but there's a big hole in the roof and a £325 fan stuck in it. I've also drilled another hole in the side for a mains hook up. Any advice, greatly appreciated.

Citroen Relay - I've cut holes in my clocked van - RT

Hi everyone. I've just bought a 2021 XLWB Relay with the aim to do an immediate conversion into a camper. I bought, it on Sunday and by Wednesday it's be stripped out, including seats and bulkhead and I've also cut a 400x400mm hole in the roof for a Maxxfan. That's when I saw the little sticker in the windscreen that said 'next service due at 104k miles' - the clock only says 33k!!!! Whoops.

I've got the original service invoice from the garage (95k miles) and proof from the van's original owner (a big multi-million pound company) that they sold it directly to the trade seller that I bought it from. It's a slam dunk really.

The trader has repeatedly offered me a full refund if the van is returned in original condition which is good but there's a big hole in the roof and a £325 fan stuck in it. I've also drilled another hole in the side for a mains hook up. Any advice, greatly appreciated.

You'll have to negotiate a cash settlement to cover the difference in value.

Edited by RT on 24/08/2023 at 16:40

Citroen Relay - I've cut holes in my clocked van - Bromptonaut

Step back and think about it.

If it's knocked up close to 100k in around 2 years then it's not been stop/start delivering milk!!

Presumably it's a diesel. If it's been serviced properly with right oil and everything it's probably good for another 100k.

What's it actual market value with (say) 100k compared with 33k?

I'd accept that sum, plus bit for being messed about, and put it in a ring fenced account to cover any repairs resultant on the mileage.

If it's still fine in five years time spend the money on a holiday.

Citroen Relay - I've cut holes in my clocked van - Wee Willie Winkie

I'd also ask the trader to use whichever laptop they used to adjust the mileage down, to adjust it back to what it was.

Citroen Relay - I've cut holes in my clocked van - SLO76
Tell them you want a full refund and compensated for your costs or you’ll take the matter to the local trading standards. They’ll be only too happy to nail them and from what you’re saying it’s a clear cut case. It’ll kill their business stone dead and leave them with costly legal fees. They can fix the van that they shamelessly clocked. I wouldn’t spend a lot of money turning it into a camper, find the good low mileage example you set out to buy in the first place.