Mg4 - Deal on new car order - Fr3ddie

We ordered a new MG4 last September and have been waiting for delivery since then. The estimated delivery was December but we were told it would probably be before that. It obviously hasn't arrived and we are now in January. We paid a deposit which we were told was non returnable - £250.

The deal we were offered was very good, a good (and correct) offer on the current car, and also some cashback.

The salesperson said at the time that the value of ours would probably go down and we wouldn't get that amount when the deal completed obviously, but we WOULD get the same cashback when things went through, monthly payment etc. so everything was fine.

Because of the delay we started looking elsewhere only to find that the value of our car has dropped quite a bit now and other garages couldn't get anywhere near a deal even without cashback.

Where do we stand with the original garage now for the fulfilling what we signed up to?

Mg4 - Deal on new car order - Palcouk

There will be a proposed delivey date and not a contractual delivery date. Walk away and you lose that "deposit" and the px value