SEAT Leon - Dealer Illegally Changed Service History - RobbyCampbell17

Hi, I have a serious question to ask about something that happened to me regarding a dealer illegally changing another garage service details. This is what happened, i made a enquiry for a Seat Leon with (no naming and shaming) about service history and more details they sent me a personal presentation video showing me the car and talking how good it is and all that and in the video they showed me the service history of the car and everything seemed fine so I agreed to come and see the car in person and was very happy with it I then asked the dealer about the timing belt as the car had 80k miles and I was told the team will check the history and if it wasn't done recently then the belt will be changed before it departs from the showroom, I then bought the car and was very happy with the outcome until that same day I looked at the service history and nothing was marked as timing belt was done but it was ticked on the previous service that the belt was changed but I knew right away that's 100% incorrect so I went back to the personal video that was a video personally made for me and that same page had no tick on the belt being replaced so instant I knew this was illegal and was fraud. I went back to the dealer and the manager was very unhappy that someone in his staff team would do this as they have committed a crime by tampering with with another garages service history, he checked with his service department and they confirmed the belt was not changed because it was recently done (even when it wasn't) so i got my money back only even when this could have been a more serious issue as I could have been driving down the motorway and that thing snaps on me and the car would have lost power steering and the brakes, so I made a complaint about this issue and was told this could even be a legal matter because even if I got my money back the dealer or someone in the staff team committed a crime. So my question is what should I do with this matter and what are the chances of having a case for complaints or even a legal matter. Any info is much appreciated Thanks.

You can also report to trading standards.

edited, no name and shaming.

ORB , moderator.

Edited by _ORB_ on 27/10/2021 at 05:10

SEAT Leon - Dealer Illegally Changed Service History - focussed

You got your money back? What's to complain about?

To have any sort of a civil legal case you have to show you have suffered a loss in some way - you do not appear to have suffered any loss in your case.

Oh and look up how to use paragraphs, it makes what you post much more readable.

SEAT Leon - Dealer Illegally Changed Service History - RobbyCampbell17
Paragraph in the form of....




My loss is around £200

Bus Travel going to and from the dealer a total of 4 times insurance cancel fee and not getting full insurance money back when cancelled and the fact that they committed fraud. I'm not looking compensation or money back from them that I lost or i would have stated that. This is a serious illegal act and someone needs to answer for it or it will continue to happen.

Thanks for your reply anyway.
SEAT Leon - Dealer Illegally Changed Service History - Brit_in_Germany

Report it to the police as attempted/actual fraud. The next person who looks at the car won't know any of this story and will simply assume the changed record is correct.

SEAT Leon - Dealer Illegally Changed Service History - Palcouk

If you wish Complain to Trading Standards

Write a letter to the Dealer Principle detailing your quantified losses, Ether they will make a contribution or not. And if that's the case its a personal claim via the small claims court at your cost

SEAT Leon - Dealer Illegally Changed Service History - up north

Tell them you want the £200 and video evidence that the timing belt is replaced for the new buyer, or you will go to small claims, trading standards and the local newspaper. That way they might learn a lesson or they'll continue with the same shoddy practice which is a disgrace. Send a copy to manager and director. This was no honest mistake!!!