BMW 5 Series - Dodgy MOT - Kelvin Palmer


I bought a car privately in mid April 21. The car had passed an MOT on 30 March 21, following a subsequent rear shock failure, which should never have passed an MOT, I had the vehicle inspected and retested.

The car failed the second MOT on 4 July 21, due to extensive corrosion in all of the sill areas.

What comeback, if any, do I have regarding the seller and or MOT garage?

Thank you in advance

BMW 5 Series - Dodgy MOT - elekie&a/c doctor
What model/ year 5 series is this ? It could be 35years + old .
BMW 5 Series - Dodgy MOT - Kelvin Palmer

E28 1987. Needs to be 40+ years old for exemption

Edited by Kelvin Palmer on 09/10/2021 at 12:30

BMW 5 Series - Dodgy MOT - elekie&a/c doctor
Buying any car of this age needs a proper inspection. An mot is a low rent minimum standard test and some areas of the test are very subjective, especially corrosion. I would take it to a local known garage and ask them for an impartial inspection. Base any further proceedings on this . Exemption or not , doesn’t stop you getting an mot .

Edited by elekie&a/c doctor on 09/10/2021 at 12:36

BMW 5 Series - Dodgy MOT - Kelvin Palmer

Thank you for your reply

The first MOT was on 30 March 21, I bought the car on 19 April 21, I had the car inspected, due to shock failure and then independently MOT'd on the 4 July 21, where it failed due to extensive corrosion to all sill sections

BMW 5 Series - Dodgy MOT - elekie&a/c doctor
There is a procedure on the Dvsa to challenge an mot if you think it should have failed a pass certificate. However I’m not sure what the time limit is . May be worth a look . As a private sale , there is virtually zero come back .
BMW 5 Series - Dodgy MOT - Kelvin Palmer

Thank you for your reply

Yes, you are correct, but unfortunately, you can only challenge corrosion issues within 3 months of the MOT, i missed it by 5-6 days