Car Tax / V5C Problem - Dave_C_
I was approached by a helpful policeman yesterday who informed me to my surprise that my car wasn’t taxed. After some investigation what seems to happened is that when I bought the car in Jan 2019 and taxed it with the new keepers slip, paying monthly by direct debit, and then it seems the seller didn’t send off his bit, and I didn’t realise I hadn’t received the new V5C. After 12 months the road tax didn’t renew, which I also didn’t realise. So my car has been untaxed since January 2021. So how should I proceed from here, I assume I’m going to be fined for not being taxed?
Car Tax / V5C Problem - sammy1

The DVLA will not have your address to send a reminder which they usually do. Does your direct debit continue in which case what is it taxing? you will now need a form V62 to notify the DVLA that you are the owner and the fee is £25. You may be able to sort things over the phone but DVLA is not working well. In any case you will have to pay for tax since Jan 21 so the phone call might be your best bet to sort it out. Unless the police have given you a summons then no

Car Tax / V5C Problem - elekie&a/c doctor
Surely the new keeper slip has the new keeper address on it ? Something gone wrong here .
Car Tax / V5C Problem - Dave_C_
Surely the new keeper slip has the new keeper address on it ? Something gone wrong here .

It does, but it’s the seller's section that has to be sent off to notify DVLA, even though I did give my address when I taxed it with the new keeper’s section. Thanks Dave
Car Tax / V5C Problem - Dave_C_

The DVLA will not have your address to send a reminder which they usually do. Does your direct debit continue in which case what is it taxing? you will now need a form V62 to notify the DVLA that you are the owner and the fee is £25. You may be able to sort things over the phone but DVLA is not working well. In any case you will have to pay for tax since Jan 21 so the phone call might be your best bet to sort it out. Unless the police have given you a summons then no

When you tax the car with the new keeper slip, you give your email address and postal address, so I was surprised I didn’t at least get an email, I’ll ring them on Monday and see what they say. Thanks Dave
Car Tax / V5C Problem - Dave_C_

The DVLA will not have your address to send a reminder which they usually do. Does your direct debit continue in which case what is it taxing? you will now need a forno

Sorry forgot to say, the direct debit just stopped I assume December 2020 without any notification.