Can I have two police officers prosecuted for not following instructions when on speed camera duty?

Every police force has a set of rules and regulations, usually formulated by the Home Office and adapted to local needs. Things covered range from uniform code to outside activities, which are not allowed. In this area, it is stated in that document that officers on traffic duties MUST wear high-visibility clothing. A couple of weeks back, two officers were out with a speed camera on a road on which it all too easy to drift above the 30mph limit. They were not wearing their hi-viz clothing and were wearing tunic tops covering their white shirts, although it was a very hot day (they were pushed under a bush by the wall, and were standing in a gateway, in the shadow of a very large and overhanging tree and could not easily be seen).

These two officers were clearly there for the sole purpose of catching speeders. As they were clearly in breach of their chief constable's instructions regarding uniform and could be said to be entrapping motorists, would any prosecution hold up?

Asked on 24 June 2010 by HondaMan983

Answered by Honest John
Make your complaint in writing by special delivery to the chief constable. Then it will have to be a matter of record and he will have to answer it as a matter of record.
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