Whole family (three cars) - £80 Parking Charge Notice

Our whole family (three cars worth) has been sent Parking Charge Notices by ParkingEye for parking in a Booths Shop in Windermere on Boxing day for 2h 40mins (2 Hours being the max) while the store was shut.

We were pretty much the only cars in the car park using the deserted car park as a safe area to change young children into outdoor gear ready for a walk rather than parking in a nearby side street.

Whilst there may well have been signage detailing the charges I think we would not be alone in assuming these might apply when a store is open.

I'm a little confused by the new regulations that have come into force and how to handle what is clearly a completely unjustifiable charge.

Do we use a variation of your £10 letter posting a cheque for this amount or do we (jointly) write a note to the store manager explaining the situation?

Whilst I am happy to let this run its course a little my elderly parents in Law feel a little threatened by the consequences and are talking about settling early for £40 to make it go away.

Asked on 8 January 2013 by James1972

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