How are non-drivers being made aware of the new Highway Code rules?

Regarding the newly update Highway Code rules for pedestrians crossing at junctions, when turning in to a side road I have noticed an unwillingness of pedestrians to cross when I slow down or stop for them. This is leading to angry drivers behind me and a genuine fear of being rear ended. I realise it is the responsibility of the driver behind to allow enough space to break and avoid a collision but that is no comfort when my car is in the garage being repaired.

I have made myself familiar with the new regulations in the Highway Code, as I am sure a lot of drivers have, but where are non-drivers expected to be notified of the new rules? If they aren't aware of the rules this just won't work. I realise there is a lot of coverage in the media but kids and teenagers aren't reading newspapers or watching the news.

Asked on 23 February 2022 by Peter Garnett

Answered by Sarah Tooze
The Department for Transport has a paid for THINK! campaign that is up and running now. Radio adverts and further social assets are being shared to make use of different channels.
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