Shed tuggers

Now that summer is upon us and holiday traffic is building up, can anyone give me one sound reason why caravans should not be subject to road tax. They slow traffic flow, clog up country lanes and abuse the natural countryside. They never pull over to allow overtaking, they are oblivious to what or who are behind them: a doctor on call, a family travelling t the airport, a parent taking an injured child to hospital, a husband rushing his pregnant wife to maternity, they are totally indifferent. When one eventually overtakes the drivers all have the same vacant expression presumably engrossed in the next bingo session. Why should normal road users subsidies cheap holidays for such inconsiderate travellers who cast a blight on the environment?

Asked on 12 September 2009 by

Answered by Honest John
Not always. Sometimes while travelling in convoy (on the A68) they leave space in between each rig for overtaking cars to pull into. Not sure how the tax could work. I guess it would have to work on a month-by-month basis with different coloured large discs for each month. Alternatively, the caravans would have to bear separate registrations and be taxed on the basis of them so a quick ANPR check would show up if the tax was paid or not. Either of these ideas will have apoplectic caravanners dancing on their towbars, of course.
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