A false claim is affecting my insurance renewal premium. What do I do?

At the end of April this year my insurance company contacted me, claiming I had not informed them of an accident that happened a month earlier. I asked for more details as I haven't been involved in any incident. I was asked to provide close up pictures of my car (which I did) and told them I was not involved. I hoped that would be the end of the matter but I received further communication from my insurers saying the third party solicitors want more evidence that I was not involved. I then got my employer to confirm that I was working from home that day, as well as sending a signed statement to them saying I was not involved. Since then I have had an insurance renewal on another of my vehicles, which shows a claim and me being at fault. How do I get this false mark removed from my insurance history? I suspect my vehicle has had the number plates cloned (again), and this time the person involved has crashed and given bogus details.

Asked on 19 August 2019 by

Answered by Honest John
You would need to request your insurer removes it from the underwriting database.
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