Green 4x4s - P3t3r
Just saw 'Pulling Power' and thought they were talking some rubbish! They seemed to come to the conclusion that a Lexus 4x4 was green. They said that the car generates power while you drive it, but doesn't give out any emissions. What they didn't mention is that it uses more power than it generates. I haven't seen the specs for this car, but I doubt that it can generate power without using any. I really doubt that a 4x4 will be greener than a non-4x4, if they built a small hybrid I'm sure it will be a lot greener. I suspect that the environmental impact of building it will outweight the benefits anyway.
Green 4x4s - Altea Ego
A colleague at work has one. She is horrified by the fuel consumption.
TourVanMan TM < Ex RF >