Size of Oil Filter on CBF600 - Greg R
I was wondering what size oil filter wrench I should buy for my CBF600 (based on hornet engine).

There are two adjustable options. There is an 65-68mm or 75-100mm. Which would be the right one for me?

Size of Oil Filter on CBF600 - Robin Reliant
A strap or chain type wrench is the best bet as it will fit any filter. The metal type that fits over the end of the filter is often impossible to use because of the proximity of the downpipes.
Size of Oil Filter on CBF600 - SjB {P}
I agree with Tom.

On my Hornet I use a webbing strap wrench driven by a socket extension bar and handle. This *just* fits between the downpipes, which the metal wrenches don't.

A word of advice before you start; Park the bike on a plastic sheet (I use an old estate agent sign that wipes clean) and wear plastic or rubber gloves. The reason? The filter only just fits when trying to extracate it from behind the exhaust pipes and no matter how hard you try, you'll spill what's left after loosening it and letting it drain. More so if the oil is hot, as it is when I do my changes, and pain becomes a factor!
Size of Oil Filter on CBF600 - DP
If you can get to the filter from the side, the "plier" type oil filter tools work well. The set I have adjust like water pump pliers so they fit any filter and the teeth on the ends grip well.

Used them on the bike and car so far with great success.
