TrafficCops Programme - Vansboy
Sorry if this has been mentioned before, in case the prog was a repeat, but.....

Apart from usual entertainment from low life wasting Police time, why did the officer feel he should also add to this poor use of resources & create a potentially dangerous situation?

I'm referring to the stopping & interviewing of the driver & salesman on a test drive.

Commonsense would have said, it was it a good idea to hi-light the foolish practice of driving with obscured vision. But on a busy road, plenty of heavy traffic passing, filming it too, all adding to the risk of an accident.I don't think so!!

& a fixed penalty £30 fine, too!!


TrafficCops Programme - CM
I for one am glad that the police are doing their job and protecting me from the evil ways of others.

(Let's scrap all cameras and employ a greater number of efficious traffic policemen)
TrafficCops Programme - martint123
Should have been 'driving without due care and attention' it was non-see-through lettering right in his line of vision. Balmy.
TrafficCops Programme - Wales Forester
I thought the officer concerned did right to stop and advise, although I did think that the fixed penalty was a tad heavy handed, especially with a camera crew recording it all, not very publicity friendly, but I suppose he had to be seen to make a point.

I don't think there was a problem with where he pulled them, he was in a marked car and I would think that he had reds and maybe blues showing to the rear only.

The test drivers were more likely to cause an accident driving the car with the writing obscuring the road ahead!

TrafficCops Programme - kithmo
I don't think there was a problem with where he pulled
them, he was in a marked car and I would think
that he had reds and maybe blues showing to the rear

I agree, that stretch of single track road in Rotherham is as wide as a dual cariageway and is not a particularly busy road during the day.
TrafficCops Programme - Vansboy
The camera never lies - just misleads a bit, I thought it WAS a busy road, from what I saw.

TrafficCops Programme - drbe
The thing that I found strange, was that in one of the "cases", I think it might have been the two drunk women and the taxi fare; the officer seemed to want to prolong the argument, instead of trying to get them to shut up!

Otherwise it seems to be more teenage kids TWOCing, and there is no way of stopping them, or punishing them. What is the answer?

Don drbe