BCA Auction View - Rick Laughton

HJ recommends subscribing to BCA's Auction View feature. However, when I tried to subscribe, I was told it was for Trade only - has anyone successfully joined this?
Re: BCA Auction View - Vin
Thought of telling them you're a trader? The worst they could do is tell you to b*gger off. If they do that, then get yourself a new email address and apply under that acting in every possible way like a trader (ooh, how tempting it is to give a portrait of a dealer at this point).
Re: BCA Auction View - David Woollard
Come on then Vin. I know how to spot a trader in the flesh (but it was more fun when the mobiles were as big as a brick and sometimes connected by a coiled lead to a battery pack as big as....er....a battery).

How to pose as a car trader by e-mail please.

And no copying anyone who poses as a mechanic by e-mail!

Re: BCA Auction View - chris watson
i wonder who he is talking about.
Re: BCA Auction View - Dave
I tried to sign up to BCAAuctionview but was told by email that I would have to provide proof that I was a trader (I'm not) e.g. I would have to post to them a copy of an invoice or bank statement.

Re Invoice - Mark
Hi Dave

as you have a PC I assume and as such you have various types of software and hopefully some that will create documents.

Not that hard to knock up a letterhead and put invoice under it in 14 font plus a description of a job you have recently carried out for a customer.

Explain away a lack of VAT number if questioned by being newly started, small one man independant etc etc.

as ever

Re: BCA Auction View - Andy Bairsto
It least you can go to the auctions, in Germany to attend a BCA aution in Berlin
you have to produce amotor traders licence,I think that is why second hand car prices are relatively high as compared to the UK
Re: BCA Auction View - Martin Wall
I think you are meant to run it in 'Demo' mode in which key features are dsiabled. For example, if you find 10 cars you can only see the first 5 because the 'Next' or 'Forward' button is disabled......
Re: BCA Auction View - T lucas
BCA auction view,why bother?