- Get a full UK driving license without tests. - Lamer

In order to drive in the UK, you need to be over the age of 17, and have a valid license to drive motorized vehicles on any public roads.

Apply for your first provisional driving licence

Please click to apply xxxx

(Link deleted, but I'll leave the thread up because of FP's helpful comment below.)

Edited by Avant on 01/08/2020 at 23:33 - Get a full UK driving license without tests. - FP

You do NOT waste your time and money in the way indicated above.

Apply directly where it counts:

And it's "licence", not "license" - British English spelling, not American.

The heading, of course, suggests something else - some fraudulent way of obtaining a full driving licence.

Edited by FP on 01/08/2020 at 15:50 - Get a full UK driving license without tests. - focussed

It's just the usual website directing punters to the correct site, filling in their details on that site and ripping a fee off them for the privilege.