Topless Driving - bedfordrl
Here's a question for you all, Have any of ever driven a car nude ?.
I remember David Soul telling Jeremy Clarkson that "you haven't lived until you have driven nude across some desert in the States".
We have.
Topless Driving - Lud
Must have been a bit sticky.
Topless Driving - Bromptonaut
Shiver when I see blokes driving sans shirt - never seen a girl do it!!. Seatbelt used in anger, particularly with pre tensioners, will give some very nasty friction burns.
Topless Driving - Altea Ego
I have the scars from airbag burns on my arms. I wouldnt want that on my nipples thank you.
TourVanMan TM < Ex RF >
Topless Driving - Dynamic Dave
Have any of ever driven a car nude ?.

This *might* embarrass a few of the members who originally contributed to the following thread (me included), but what the heck ;o)