Removing cresote from van paintwork? - weatherwitch
My mate has managed to scrap the works van against a farm gate, which has left big black streaks of cresote and black paint on the vans white paint. Does anyone here have any ideas as to what he can use to remove this cresote mix off without taking the vans paint off as well? Anything that can make it less obvious to his boss would be much appreciated!

Many thanks :)
Removing cresote from van paintwork? - Dynamic Dave
Had it just been creosote, I would have suggested white spirit or petrol, but I think it's going to need something mildly abrasive like t-cut to remove it instead. Remember to apply a coat of wax or polish afterwards.
Removing cresote from van paintwork? - weatherwitch
Thank you Dave, we must have been typing at the same time! I think luck was on his side as the creosote was sticky so we got to remove it before it dried. By torchlight it looks good but daylight will be the real test!

Many thanks for your ideas though :)
Removing cresote from van paintwork? - weatherwitch
Found a solution that worked so thought I'd post it. It was suggested that we try a solution of white vinegar and baking soda ASAP, not having any white vinegar but had the baking soda, I tried that and lemon juice and voila :D All of the black streaks (5 long ones!) have now gone, thank goodness! Although I did not expect to be out in the small hours on a Friday night dealing with that!