V5 - what does the validation character mean? - scott1s
Long story short - I have a registration mark on my 'toy' car which I think has a market value, but am not sure if is transferable as I can find no reference on the V5. There is a validation reference of Z next to it. What does this mean? The document for my main steed has a different validation character. What is this andis it an indicator as to transferability?
V5 - what does the validation character mean? - rtj70
It is a validation character for the document. It helps prove it is valid.

I would think the plate is tranferable to a car no younger than it.

Edited by rtj70 on 22/07/2008 at 01:29

V5 - what does the validation character mean? - adverse camber
My guess - and a totally uninformed guess - is that it is some sort of checksum on the document number. Using a checksum digit gives an immediate indication that the document ID is valid - saving the need for a proper check on invalid numbers.

An example would be the ISBN numbers on books - the last digit is a checksum (you do a quick calculatioj on the other digits and your answer should be the same as the last digit.)
V5 - what does the validation character mean? - nick
I think if it was non-transferable it would say so on the V5.
V5 - what does the validation character mean? - martint123
I had an old bike and the V5 said "non transferable"
V5 - what does the validation character mean? - gsb
I have just transfered my wifes plate on to her next car. The old car has been given back it's original plate and it states that it is not transferable to a different car in the future.