Disputing a parking ticket - what should we do?

My daughter received a parking ticket in Leeds late last year for £50. The ticket machine was out of order at the time which the car park admit, but they say she should have found another machine or rung their helpline.

At the time she had no credit on her phone but took a photo of the faulty machine. Can you tell us what is the best way forward - go to court, taking day of work to do so, or just pay the £100 and write it down to experience?

Asked on 23 March 2014 by ray3282

Answered by Honest John
Law here: www.honestjohn.co.uk/faq/private-parking-penalties/ With a street parking 'offence' the fact that the machine is broken does not usually get you off because there too, you are supposed to search for a machine that works.

Don't know how it would go down in court. The charge may be upheld, or the judge might regard the machine failure as negligence and entrapment by the parking company. If you want it off your back, just pay up and never go there again.
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