When should I renew my over 70s licence given the DVLA backlog?

Being well over 70 years of age I need to renew my 3 year licence again next July. In order to have this processed in time should I apply now, given the DVLA backlog?

What is the situation if because of DVLA strikes etc. they fail to renew my licence on time? I have trips planned and living in the country means a car is essential.

Asked on 8 April 2022 by Paul Milner

Answered by Sarah Tooze
No, you don't need to renew your licence now, as the licence is still valid. You will get a reminder form sent to you 90 days before the expiry date and you can then apply for a renewal.

Once you have submitted your application you may be able to continue to drive while the DVLA are processing it, provided you have not been told by your doctor or optician that you should not drive.

Further information on how drivers may be able to continue to drive while their application is being processed is available at ‘Can I drive while my application is with DVLA?’ (www.gov.uk/government/publications/inf1886-can-i-d...a)
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