I work for a charity - what kind of car insurance do we need for taking clients out?

I work for a company supporting people with learning disabilities in the community. Staff use their own vehicles to take clients out daily. We have just found out that my senior support worker who is currently insured with Hastings Direct is not actually covered to have clients in the car despite having business on her policy. This is because consider that to be 'hiring' of the vehicle and don't cover this/is an exemption to their cover.

Please can you clarify exactly what type of business classification covers this as it's not very clear.

Asked on 26 September 2018 by kate pedley

Answered by Honest John
It depends on the insure and the wording. Whether you are voluntary or paid has a bearing on it. Full business use should cover it, if you are not carrying passengers for hire and reward then you are covered. If you get paid for taking the occupants out, then you are not. If you are taking them places not as part of your work activity they are covered, if it is part of the work activity they are not. Confused? Insurers are always liable for the occupants of your vehicle under the road traffic act, they would have to cover any claim made by them, but they could repudiate claim for damage on your vehicle.
I personally, would be looking for a separate policy of cover if possible to cover the occupants as part of work. The company themselves should be looking into this for you, as it is their responsibility rather than yours.
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