Ask Honest John

Most recently answered protection of freedoms bill questions
You write, “The British Parking Association in 2011 is lobbying Parliament to make vehicle keepers liable for private parking penalties in the same way they can be held liable for road traffic offences...
I thought it was time to launch a direct crusade against the car park vultures. I've sent the attached in an email to Philip Hammond, the Minister for Transport. When I realised that the DVLA are (presumably)...
There is a massive potential loophole written into the draft legislation against clamping. It states that clamping on private land will still be legal where, in order to enter that land, the vehicle has...
Incredibly, it has been revealed that British motorists are paying a shocking £991 million in parking enforcement penalties each year. By the age of 35 drivers will have clocked up on average £338 in parking...
With the help of my MP, the Rt Hon Jo Jackson, I have finally managed to obtain from the DVLA the keeper details of a car that damaged mine. Why is it so difficult for members of the public to obtain keepership...
My son owns one of a block of flats, each with its own parking space requiring a displayed permit and administered by PPS (a member of BPA). I parked in his space while he was at work in order to carry...