I bought a car but the V5C is missing - what can I do?

I have taken delivery of a car from a dealer. On delivery the paper were missing the V5C and it came with a part completed V62. I have tried to register and tax car online - no luck. I took documents into post office who says cannot process and I must send V62 off to DVLA ( wait time 4-6 weeks) to get a V5C and then I can tax car. This means I cannot drive a car I have paid for and I am insuring. Any advice?

Asked on 1 February 2024 by cw

Answered by David Ross
We would expect the dealer to provide the required documents when selling a car - a replacement V5C can be ordered online via the DVLA and is usually delivered within 5 days for £25, so we would suggest this as a quicker option than sending the V62.
Tags: dvla dealers v5
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